~My fabulously Random Blog~

A little about me, my family, my faith, and food !

Spring Break & Then Some! May 1, 2011

Ok… I know, I know… I have been seriously slacking in the blogging department, but I just haven’t had the time and really haven’t felt like it! But, that is all going to change because I have also been feeling very guilty about not blogging!

I really don’t know how many readers I have, but those that have subscribed and have commented that you read, I want you to know that I appreciate the time you take to spend with me 🙂 and I’ll be giving you more of that!

Well, enough with the “excuses”! It’s time to get down to it!!!

Here is what has been going on with us! {in pics}

As you can see between sewing, life and entertaining my 2 youngest sisters through their spring break I haven’t had the time/energy to blog!

Well that’s it for now & see you soon!!!

