~My fabulously Random Blog~

A little about me, my family, my faith, and food !

Schooling & Such March 29, 2011

Filed under: Family,Fun,Life,Love — silimommy @ 11:34 pm
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Today was a very fun day! Ana had her very first day of “preschool”!

Now before you go thinkin’ that I put her in an actual preschool let me explain!

 I decided (or have been thinking about for quite some time) that I wanted to “home-preschool” Ana now before she is actually preschool age. Reason being, she is smart. I’m not just saying that because she is my daughter, it’s just true. She can say anything and has a memory that blows my mind! {I know I sound like one of “those” parents, but I really don’t care.}

That being said today we had a couple “lessons”. Math was first…

We used this print out "phone pad" to practice her numbers! She would "push the button" and I would say each number in a different tone. 🙂

…next was Shapes and Colors!
She moved these from this wall to the wall next to the phone pad. Every time she got a new shape I would tell her the shape and color. By the end of the day (this evening) she knew all of the shapes!

She already knows some of her colors (pink especially lol), so I wasn’t pushing that as hard as I could have.

After these first 2 lessons it was snack time, then on to art “class”! 

Supplies: Paper, empty oatmeal canister, broken crayons, finger paint...

After I taped the paper to the inside we put paint onto each piece of crayon and dropped it in! Then it was time to shake, rattle, and roll!


This is going on my wall next to her last finger painting art work! 🙂


Then it was time to work on position/direction. For this I used cut out hands and feet and taped them to the wall and floor. We used these to give hi-fives (hands) and low-fives (feet) {teaching high and low}. Also, we did a little jumping, showing up and down. 🙂

We had SO much fun in “school” today, and the best part… she napped earlier than usual!!!

I hope you all have had a great day and now I’m off th catch up in my “Tiger Mom” book, I have a book discussion on Friday so I have to finish it!

Be Blessed!